
Welcome to my zone 9a habitat garden near Houston, Texas.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Silent Sunday: Clematis time


  1. Wow--cleamtis doesn't grow well here.

    Thanks for your comment ref. the olive article in the Chronicle. It's my first in that paper. Fun to research & write. I want olive trees now...

  2. That top clematis is an interesting case. I bought it three years ago at Lowe's and it was mislabeled. I'm not sure what its name it. It bloomed the first year, then went away. It poked up a few green shoots last year but never bloomed. This year, it came up early and is full of buds - another lesson in patience for the gardener.

    Olives are such fascinating and ancient plants and after reading your article, I want one, too, Kathleen!
