
Welcome to my zone 9a habitat garden near Houston, Texas.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Getting reacquainted

After having been away from my garden for a couple of weeks, I've been doing my walk-throughs and reacquainting myself with what's going on here.

The Duranta erecta is weighed down with a heavy crop of these golden berries which give it one of its common names, "Golden Dewdrop."  Some of the limbs are almost touching the ground because of the weight of the berries.

But the plant also continues to draw butterflies like this Giant Swallowtail to its few remaining blossoms. Butterflies really, really love Duranta. I'm thinking of adding another plant if I can figure out where to put it.

In the veggie garden, the butternut squash also has a heavy crop. I'm crossing my fingers that the fruits will have time to mature before our first frost, but if the frost comes early, I stand ready to deploy my frost cloth. I'm determined not to lose this delicious harvest.

The wonderful rose, 'Belinda's Dream,' just keeps on producing these luscious blooms.

The matured passion vine flowers are turning into these fruits.

The black-eyed peas will soon be ready. Maybe in time for Thanksgiving!

The Copper Canyon daisies will soon be in full bloom, presenting a solid mass of cheerful yellow to the passerby.

The milkweed bears a nice population of fat, healthy Monarch caterpillars.

 With more to come! A female Monarch deposits her egg on the milkweed.

In another part of the garden, the fruits of the Satsuma are beginning to change color.

And by the gate to the vegetable garden, the 'Litchfield Angel's' blooms look angelic, indeed.

My garden actually looks pretty good. Maybe I should go away more often!


  1. The Golden Dewdrop is wonderful - are the berries edible for people, or left for the birds? Also wonderful to still have monarch caterpillars in November ... not something you would see up here.

    1. The golden dewdrop is strictly for the birds, Jason. I don't know if they are poisonous for humans, but to the best of my knowledge, they are not considered edible.
