Color in the garden these days may be mostly provided by our feathered friends, especially by that harbinger of spring, the American Robin, as he races around the yard looking for insects to snack on. I have had large flocks of these beloved birds in my yard recently. At times, 100 or more are settled among the limbs of my trees or are exploring the grass and leaves on the ground.
But, in addition to colored feathers, there are a few cold weather bloomers that can provide us with some much needed color as we round the corner into the last month of winter.

One of the oldies but goodies among the plants that will reliably bloom for us at this time of year is the snapdragon. There are many colors available, of course, but this winter, I chose this one to brighten my yard. The plants are reaching their peak of bloom just now, when I need them most. These snappy little blossoms always make me smile to see them.
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